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Financial Planning

Wealth Creation Wealth Creation starts with three simple principals 1. Spend less than you earn 2. Invest your surplus wisely 3. Don't touch and let it grow Here at My Fortress, we specialise in investment strategies to help get your wealth creation plan on track. Drop in to one of our free investment seminars or book a free consultation with one of our advisers.


Debt Management

Debt management can be daunting and something that easily gets put off. Understanding your debt is the first step to getting back on the right path and is a massive part to your financial planning journey.


Estate Planning Estate planning is something no one really likes to think about and is so much more than just having a will. It is about planning for what happens to all your assets and affairs and how you would like it distributed.


Taxation Planning Taxation planning requires careful preparation, monitoring, budgeting, and is an integral part of your overall financial plans. Having a strategy place can help save on your taxes in many ways such as: 1. Making additional superannuation contributions. 2. Look into tax effective investments. 3. Properly planning your cash flow.


Succession Planning Having a succession plan in place is critical for all business owners as it will ultimately impact your investment and retirement plan. Our top tips are: 1. Be proactive with a plan. 2. Pinpoint succession candidates and assess readiness for advancement. 3. Keep key stakeholders up to date. 4. Step up professional development efforts.


Retirement Planning Retirement looks different for everyone, we always ask clients to define what a good retirement looks like for them. We then can work together with you to create a long-term retirement plan so you can achieve the lifestyle you want to live and enjoy later on.

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